all pages
- a january brain dump
- a year of change: 2021
- about
- acme9k
- adventures in uxn and crystal
- aerial
- annihilating corrupted hydra
- another custom desktop environment
- banana pancakes
- black fire aflame
- blitzwalker
- blog
- bodhisattva
- bookmarks
- buddhadharma
- budgeting
- building uxngba with docker
- cali- returning to my roots
- catbug in the see through zone
- chaos awakening
- chaos awakening act 1
- chaos awakening act 2
- chaos awakening act 3
- chaos awakening magic system
- coffee
- comments
- complexity and correctness
- computers
- computing accessories
- contact
- contemplating 2022
- cool builds
- cost of computing
- creamy curry potatoes
- creating a simple podcast feed reader
- cv
- cyclic evolving chasm
- decadv 2024
- degrowth
- dependency injection
- dependent origination
- designing information software
- desktop software
- desktop wallpapers
- digital minimalist workflow revisited
- disable uas for usb ssd
- domain
- ecology of cyberspace
- eight consciousnesses
- eightfold path
- emptiness
- euclidian postmodernism
- eureka
- eureka has lots of markup
- everyday
- felt
- filesystem surgery
- five aggregates
- fonon
- food substitutions
- four noble truths
- g wagon
- game controller desktop config
- gender
- grimoire
- hardware
- hyperkaos
- images
- immutable javascript objects
- impermanence
- in search of elegant web architecture
- inflammatory foods
- informatics and self
- intense tea
- iris lightshard
- journaling
- karma
- keys
- ksatrya
- kuro
- kyanite
- language references
- legal
- liberation
- local network streaming audio
- magus cyberia
- making ryudo multimonitor aware
- memnarch
- milestone integration platform
- mixes
- mmx02
- mom
- muon
- mushroom tofu salad
- nirvash
- nitroplasm
- now
- nuclear semiotics
- object oriented c
- obsidian
- old blade setups
- on growth and value
- onyx
- original characters
- parenting
- password management
- patch a package on nix os
- permacomputing
- pet01
- photojournal
- photojournal 2020-2021
- photojournal 2022
- photojournal 2023
- photojournal 2024
- photojournal 2025
- pickle soup
- planetary gears
- portabella mushroom burgers
- posix shell tips
- pragmatic digital minimalism
- principles
- programming
- quartzgun
- radiant blood
- ragnarok
- raven
- re: source
- recipes
- recursive multicolumn sort in react
- retrograde motion
- reversing react data flow
- rollerblading
- routine
- rush
- ryudo
- ryudo as a daily driver
- server
- simple coconut curry
- six paramitas
- slow blink
- software
- solar setup on the gypsy wagon
- sorrow and actualization
- source control under control
- steppenwolf
- suck less with more soul
- support
- sword with no name
- tales of arise review
- tales of the abyss retrospective
- taro
- technology is politics
- the design
- the stackless stack
- this garden
- three poisons
- tools for balance
- toward understanding 2023
- underbbs
- unix style email with mblaze
- urchin
- ustrat
- vajra
- vegan gluten-free breading
- vermont to new mexico
- web patterns from nirvash
- wheels
- wolf spider
- xrxs
- xrxs deep dive
- yggdrasil
- you are here
- your data is not safe
- zen
- zfs cheatsheet