Gender expression is a multidimensional continuum not adequately captured in the traditional binary gender framework. Not only do people seem to have innate psychological gender identities independent of their biology, but these identities can change over time and transcend traditional gender roles. Multiple gender identities might coexist within a plural system (see this lecture from the Varela Symposium 2024 as an example of how plural systems can easily emerge in human beings).
Gender and sexuality are adjacent but obviously not the same thing.
Biomedical self-mastery is a human right. As with any other choice a person makes concerning their own body, one should be free to explore and express their gender as they see fit. It is an honoring of the sacred body-mind to actualize it.
One tool which may be of use to communicate the subtleties of gender expression is to look at the word "engender". We use it in an abstract way to mean bringing forth a particular outcome which has certain properties that make it ontologically distinguished. Gender expression is the same way. We have particular classes of expressive outcomes that we ontologically assign to different buckets which we call genders based on our sum understanding of the landscape of expressions. That's it.