Ingrid McDonald (1968-03-17 - 2021-08-10)
in loving memory

On August 10th, 2021, after a lifelong battle with kidney disease, my mother, Ingrid McDonald, passed from this life.
She loved the ocean, good food, her cat, and her boys. While I am an only child, she loved my best friends as her own sons, and she was a stellar mother to all of us.
My mother fought through three kidney failures (and two transplants, each one given by one of her own parents, who had the strange and painful fate of outliving her), and raised me as a single mother on a limited income. After the last kidney failure, she battled through over ten years of peritoneal dialysis awaiting an unlikely third kidney donation. I underwent screening in 2016 to check compatibility as a donor, and would have ripped it right out with my bare hands if it would have helped...
I love you Mom, always and forever.